There are no vacancies at the moment.
Currently we are looking for volunteers for our court monitoring project. New volunteers receive a day and a half long training.
There are no new trainings available at the moment. If you are interested in participating and you would like to be informed about new trainings, please, write to us at birosagfigyelo.onkentes@patent.org.hu
Read a volunteer’s report on our training HERE.
Recommended reading for monitoring volunteers:
Locked up in the system (2009): at least chapter 2, p. 25-58.
Professional-methodological guide (2012): at least the introduction, until p. 13. -
Click here to sign up.
Let’s keep in touch via Patent’s Facebook page – be our regular couch activist and share our news with your friends.
Since its founding, our association has participated in the 16 action days against violence against women campaign and the Budapest Pride Parade each year.
We have joined the One Billion Rising, V-day Hungary, Women’s Revolt and Free Ágnes Geréb initiatives. In addition, we organize our own actions in relation to timely issues, mostly in collaboration with the NANE Association. One such initiative was the Protest for fair treatment and the Demonstration against forced access rights in 2012.
We currently have no ongoing campaigns